Title:Recreational Nitrox Gas Blending Manual
Author:Bart Bjorkman
Publisher:Best Publishing Company
Nr. of pages:62
Purchased on:2006-12-01
Dimensions (in mm):274 x 211 x 5
Weight (in grams):224
Year published:2000
Description:As more divers understand the benefits of using Nitrox, the need for a ready supply of the gas mix increases. This is good news for diving facilities that can supply this demand. It follows that Nitrox divers are people who invest in themselves, their training, equipment, and dive travel. This is the current text for PADI Nitrox Gas Blenders worldwide.

This book was written with three objectives:

1. To direct you in the safe methods of blending Enriched Air Nitrox.

2. To inform you about the types of blending systems currently available.

3. To provide you with the correct information, so that you can choose what system would provide the best return on your situation.

Recreational Nitrox Gas Blending Manual
Recreational Nitrox Gas Blending Manual
Last update:2016-04-07 15:49:26